I am off Gilenya for good because I was having bad, scary heart palpitations and am currently relapsing with loss of vision in both eyes, cog fog and weakness in my left leg.
I have an MRI tomorrow afternoon, after which I am starting a three day course of IVSM again.
Then I have a washout period of no medication and will be likely starting Tysabri.
Thus far, I have had Copaxone, Avonex, Gilenya, 2 CCSVI procedures, LDN, and 8 IV solumedrol infusions.
I am so ready for something to give, finally for the positive.
My radiology report is actually better than I thought. It says “minimal interval progression” with “new new small acute plaques in the subcortical white matter of the mesial right occipital lobe, right pre- SMA region, and in the splenium of the corpus callosum.”
I am off work for another week, so that things can calm down without the need for steroids.
I want to enjoy my 2nd venoplasty, but I can’t shake this ON. Day 4 today for IVSM. I may be off of work for at least another week, because I can barely see out of my right eye. Left eye is a bit better, but it’s tough reading and writing – gives me a headache.
Gonna go rest my eyes now. Will be talking with neuro tomorrow about some additional leave of absence from work.