Yes I use the past tense now to describe my former disease!
This is a journey that will open your eyes to the invisible disability that I was fighting to defeat for over 8 years. I now believe I have cured my Multiple Sclerosis through HSCT (Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant). The doctors call it “permanent remission” – I call that my CURE!
A brief snippet of what I’ve gone through starting 6 years after my diagnosis in 2016…
05/13/16: MRI showed that Tysabri was no longer working. Stopped Tysabri per my neurologist. No options left except Lemtrada or HSCT.
05/16/16: Called Northwestern (NW) to ask if I could apply if I was having a relapse
05/22/16: Sent initial email to Northwestern
05/23/16: Contacted by NW to send paperwork/CDs
Waited because I got nervous and also my dad was having some bad vision problems that needed surgery.
09/07/16: Sent Paperwork and CDs to NW
09/13/16: Phone call from NW to come for evaluation.
09/20/16: Initial evaluation
09/21/16: Offered the treatment By Dr. Burt
Ty washout period was 6 months so I couldn’t start until Nov 13th at least. Also, insurance wanted more information to make their decision on whether to approve and pay for the treatment. NW had me do pre-testing early to give the insurance company more info. My insurance company paid for all the pre-testing. This was the period of time where I was fighting with insurance – HSCT was denied by my primary insurance and my one appeal upheld the denial.
12/30/16: NW calls me and suggests I apply for Part B Medicare, so I did.
01/01/17: Medicare Part B kicked in! Medicare said they would pay for my treatment!
01/17/17: NW called with my dates
01/27/17: Mobilization
02/06/17: Harvest
02/17/17: Admit
02/23/17: STEM BIRTHDAY!!!
#hsct #stemcells #cureMS #nochemonocure #drburt #medicalmutual #medicare