439 Days Ago, I never thought I would be returning to working full time and putting my kids in daycare 3 days a week.
439 Days Ago, I never thought I would finally quit smoking.
439 Days Ago, I did know that kids can catch all sorts of bugs at daycare, but I didn’t know that I would have to take my son to the ER five times with a fever over 105.
439 Days Ago, I didn’t know that I would have to sleep 2 nights in the Intensive Care Unit at the pediatric hospital because my son’s throat was closing.
439 Days Ago, My son still had his tonsils and adenoids.
439 Days Ago, I was unaware that I would go blind in my right eye, then go blind in my left eye, then lose function in my left arm, followed shortly by losing function in my left leg.
439 Days Ago, I didn’t know that I would be sitting face to face with the doctor that would have to tell me that I have Multiple Sclerosis.
439 Days Ago, I didn’t realize that I hated shots so much.
439 Days Ago, Life seemed so much easier.
Yesterday, I realized that things could be so much worse.
My son is fine and healthy, in Kindergarten.
I am still working full time.
I can see.
I can walk.
I can function.
I can blog.
I do hate my shots, but it’s a small price to pay for being ok.