Tag Archives: Symptoms

Still sick… boo!

I’m getting a lot of people asking questions so I’ll just answer here so everyone can see. I’m ok. My MS is flairing hard from being sick for so long. Was in ER again last night because I was numb everywhere and off-balance. Was at Cleveland Clinic all day today. Saw my neurologist and got a full set of neuro tests done. Am now on third dose of stronger antibiotics and am getting a stat MRI tonight. I’m also waiting on blood work results. I will know more soon as to whether I will be going on IV steroids or some other treatment.

MS fatigue sucks!

Here’s how I’ve felt all day…


I pretty much look normal (whatever normal really looks like hehe) to most people on the outside. But many don’t see my cute pink cane in my car (as my backup walking device), nor do they see the pain searing up and down my spastic legs, or the fatigue which forces me to stop every few minutes to rest and recharge before I do that next load of laundry (that reminds me I have one waiting from 2 hours ago, ugh!). They also don’t see the grab bars in my shower. They don’t see the pharmacy of medications I carry in my purse with which I cannot be without in order to function. They don’t see me getting hooked up to an IV once every month (this Wednesday is the next one – wow time goes fast) to get a powerful second-line MS drug because I failed all the first-line drugs. And as I write, I have the problem of insomnia at night because of the painful spasms. Oh woe is me… whatever…

But it could be worse. Hell, it’s actually been worse. I will be coming upon my 2 year mark of being relapse-free. Remission is awesome but I still suffer with the remnants of what this disease has done to my body. I am lucky to “look normal” – just wish I felt that way.

Fatigue should be my middle name

I just can’t win, especially at the end of a 28 day cycle (no, not that kind of cycle). My medication cycle, which I get every 28 days. I can feel nearly a week ahead of my scheduled infusion that my body is jonesing for my meds.

So, I did go to bed early yesterday like I planned. Yay! However, it took me a bit longer than I wanted to fall asleep. I remember looking at the clock and it said midnight – 40 minutes after I laid my tired head down on my pillow. It was a great sleep though, but I definitely do not feel well rested. Ugh. Fatigue is still plaguing me – thus I am trying to wake up with some coffee.

Maybe if I make it a trend to go to bed earlier, it will make a difference. But this Monday, after my medication I should be good to go by Tuesday afternoon.