Tag Archives: Sleep

This may be the week I get my dates for Chicago!

How exciting is it to think about that! I’m nervously organizing things in my house to make the transition from Mom and Dad being gone for 2-3 months in Chicago a little easier for my mother and mother-in-law. My dad is currently traveling to Poland because my Babcia is slowly passing. I would do anything to be there if I could, but I know she would want me to move forward and get this MonSter taken from me forever!

So many emotions in my head tonight. I am trying to go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, to get into a more natural sleeping pattern, but it is so difficult with the daytime fatigue and the nighttime insomnia. I took my Ambien about 30 minutes ago and it feels as though it is working. Hopefully of to sleep I go to try to conquer another day of cleaning and organizing tomorrow.

Daylight savings Perk!

It’s just before 11pm and I’m actually in bed ready to go to sleep!

I fought through my fatigue today and did not nap during the day. Also, since we moved our clocks backwards I am more tired now since my body still feels as though it’s almost midnight. This might be a possible reset of my internal sleep clock!  That would be awesome!

Fatigue all day… Insomnia all night…

That’s my MS…
Or at least a big part of it.

I never understood why this happens. It’s like I’m caught in a catch-22. If I am fatigued during the day, I end up taking a nap. These naps are not your typical “power naps” but rather 3-4 hour hits of deep sleep. Then later I am still fatigued and not rested. I tell myself that I want to go to sleep early (at least by midnight – yes, that is early in my turned-upside-down world) and hopefully start to change the cycle. I was always a nightowl but this is ridiculous. Three nights this week, I went to bed by 1am and still did not fall asleep until 3! Even when I take my Lunesta, it still doesn’t help.

Melatonin, however, seems to help a bit and when I took it last night I was able to fall asleep rather quickly – within an hour. So, I may have this be my go-to and see if it helps start to break the cycle.