Tag Archives: Northwestern

Bald is beautiful!!!

Thank you to my brother-in-law for the shave!!!




Getting my head shaved!

In preparation for losing my hair from my upcoming chemo, I decided to get my head shaved at Carlo’s Barbershop!  I love this – I get to try an edgy new do!

#hsct #stemcells #curems #northwestern #drburt #ms #HSCT4MS #multiplesclerosis #chemo #chemotherapy #nochemonocure #transplant #Chicago

Tomorrow I’m off to start my new life!

I am leaving for Chicago tomorrow!!! Then early morning Thursday I have an MRI and some more tests, because I have had increased symptoms since they last saw me for pre-testing in November. Then, Friday, Feb. 27, is the day I get my first chemo! Wow. Just wow.

This is so surreal for me!

I’m excited, nervous, happy, scared, sad to leave my kids, and blessed that I am so lucky to be given this chance.

Tomorrow, I begin the next and MOST HOPEFUL chapter of my life thus far.

I still need to pack.

I’ll pack tomorrow morning… TOMORROW! Wow, time flies!

Good grief, I’m so nervous!