Tag Archives: HSCT

Evaluation time!

And we’re off to Chicago! So excited and nervous to hopefully get accepted for the stem cell transplant.

I need an evaluation date, stat!

I am not very good at waiting especially when my left arm is getting weaker and I’m having blurry vision. I need my next set of steroids but I think my neuro is going to be nervous that I continue to refuse Lemtrada.

I wish I had an evaluation date so that I can tell my neuro that I’m legitimately moving in the HSCT direction. She’s good with me being in the study, but she feels my RRMS is too aggressive to wait too long. She agreed to do monthly IV pulse steroids, which is something for now. I just wish I had that date for evaluation. I think it may put the mild Lemtrada pressure to rest.

Waiting for an evaluation date

Now the last of the wait to be chosen for evalutaion begins! They have my medical records but did not get the discs. I called the Cleveland Clinic and they are expediting my MRI’s on disc to them. They should get them by Friday or next Monday. Prayers and all my fingers and toes crossed (to the best of my abilities! to get an invitation for an evaluation!