Category Archives: HSCT

Goodbye MS

Today was a good day! A great day actually!  

It was a pretty early morning.  At breakfast I was able to meet one of my fellow HSCTers and her husband.  So nice getting to meet others who are going through what you are as well.  Ones who understand.  Ones who get it, ya know?

Right after a quick breakfast I had my MRI at 7:45, lasting about an hour and a half. Met up with Melissa from Homewood and I swear she is the kindest, nicest, most knowledgeable people I know.  She gets us and is so wonderfully helpful. 

Thanks Melissa!! 

Next, I went to Walgreens to get my Neupogen and other meds prescribed for me to start using next week. Then off to EDSS testing and more blood work.  I was done about 3 this afternoon.  That’s the semi-short version of my day LOL. But like I said, it was a great day!

Heading to bed now. I have an even earlier morning tomorrow. 

Tomorrow, Jan 27th, is the start of Mobilization! Chemo day.

I’m so ready to say goodbye to MS!

I’m so ready for this ride!

#hsct #stemcells #cureMS #nochemonocure #drburt

The sound of silence

Tonight I am home… ALONE!

My kids are at my parent’s because I have a home care nurse arriving at 8am for my IV steroid infusion and I didn’t want to subject the boys to that, nor subject the nurse to crazy a 5 and 6 year old running around like they do every morning.

My husband is working the night shift tonight.

This never happens – I actually think this is a first. I am here, at home alone. No sounds to be heard, no phones ringing, no TV on, I won’t need to wear earplugs when I got to bed tonight, my alarm will be off in the morning, no kids will wake me up.

Right now there’s just the clicking of my fingers gently hitting the keyboard as I write this.
And when I stop typing…

The silence is beautiful!

Epic Food Fight

You know one slice of French silk pie has 19 grams of SATURATED fat, not to mention 31 grams of total fat.

And here I am eating a slice at 11:53pm. It’s actually my second “meal” today.

Thus, I FAIL on three important points:

1. I didn’t eat anything today until dinner. Wasn’t hungry. Didn’t feel like eating. I did, finally, have coffee with lots of sugar though for “lunch”… like I said FAIL.

2. I am eating binging after 8pm, or is it supposed to be 7pm. I don’t remember the rule, because I never abide by it anyway. It’s so late, I think I just ate my breakfast for tomorrow morning. Again, FAIL.

3. 31 grams of fat in my belly right now while I am watching my DVR recording of Biggest Loser. Need I say more. EPIC FAIL.

Just about midnight… And there go my intentions of having a somewhat decent curfew.