Thanksgiving Eve 2016

What a whirlwind of a day!

Everything went well and all my tests showed that I am ready for this transplant.  Dr. Burt was wonderful to see again. If my insurance gets with the program quickly then I may be starting mobilization before Christmas! That’s amazing!!! It makes it feel so much more real, the closer it gets.

I had the pleasure of meeting some wonderful people who are going through different parts of the transplant journey for dinner today. It was so inspiring to hear how great the results have been for those who had gone through he transplant. And it is great to have a support system that knows exactly how you feel and what you are going through. 

Thank you to my new stem cell familia! It was amazing meeting you all!

One thought on “Thanksgiving Eve 2016”

  1. I am so excited for you!!!! And thankful that you are sharing the journey with the rest of us- it really means alot <3 I pray everything goes perfectly for you Anna- I know how hard you have tried to end your MS- You are on your way my friend!! YAY!!! 🙂

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