Excuse, excuses, and more excuses

I miss blogging. I really do. It’s been so long that I was lucky that my login and password was auto-saved on my laptop, else I may not have made it far enough to even write this post. I used to blog a lot more when my kids were little, I worked only weekends and wasn’t diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I’ll say it – excuses, excuses, excuses.

I miss my mommy blogger friends. I have lost touch with so many, yet I have them all friended on Facebook. I spend way too much lurking around on Facebook in my free time and should try blogging again. Because I really do have a lot to say, and I want to remember a lot things in the future when I look back on posts past.

My boys are now 6 and 4. My poor little Al has “second kid” syndrome when it comes to my external drive full of pictures. I am wondering if he’ll ask me one day if he even was 4 years old. My beautiful Nikon (of which I was so proud of back in the day) is gathering dust and needs to become a more important accessory of mine.

Now I have to figure out and remember how to upgrade WordPress, because I think I am at least 10 updates behind!