Tag Archives: Chemotherapy

Head Shaving Time!

On my “to-do” list for today was shaving my head!  I want to get used to being totally bald before actually needing to pull tufts of hair off my head.  I am super nervous but excited at the same time!  This makes it feel so real!

#ms #RRMS #HSCT4MS #multiplesclerosis #chemo #chemotherapy #nochemonocure #bald #shaving

Getting my head shaved!

In preparation for losing my hair from my upcoming chemo, I decided to get my head shaved at Carlo’s Barbershop!  I love this – I get to try an edgy new do!

#hsct #stemcells #curems #northwestern #drburt #ms #HSCT4MS #multiplesclerosis #chemo #chemotherapy #nochemonocure #transplant #Chicago