I am really quite Sick

I am really sick. I saw my neuro today and we are continuing my disability until end of March where we will reassess and likely go long term.

I have to sleep on the damn couch because I don’t want to keep my hubby all night with my insane coughing fits.

And speaking of sleep we are working on trying to get me to have more restful sleep at night. So, I am gonna sign off and try to go to bed before midnight.

So, goodnight everyone!

But you look good and normal

But I look so “good and normal” – unfortunately I can no longer be an acute inpatient physical therapist because of my left leg and arm weakness, as well as my blurry vision… But dammit I look normal!

I can’t walk a mile anymore, which sucks!
Oh, and I have to nap daily or else I cannot function, and then I have horrible insomnia so I can”t sleep well at night (12:52am here right now) and now I have a numb right leg – it’s moved up a bit from the foot. I need to try and get some sleep/rest. My body is a wreck, but dammit I look good!

That’s all I want for Christmas – to feel better.


I completely face-planted on my cement steps going out to my garage.  My left leg decided it would not go up the steps, and I bit it hard.  I am surprisingly sore everywhere and have a big lump on my left shin.

So far, Gilenya is working – I have not had any relapses since starting it, but the damage that was done from my prior flairs hasn’t gotten much better.